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Showing posts from March, 2009

The Damning Peril of the Roman Catholic Church - Part 3

We have seen already the first four attacks of the Roman Catholic (RC) church on the orthodox doctrines as found in Scripture. Here is the summary of seven of the attacks: 1. The Supremacy of God’s Words in the Bible 2. The Sufficiency of God’s Son 3. The Singularity of God’s Gospel 4. The Sovereign Grace of God 5. The Security of God’s Children 6. The Sanctity of God’s Church 7. The Severity of God’s Judgment We will look at the next three attacks in brief. Fifth, the Roman Catholic church is attacking the security of God’s children. This is not only a clear assault on the clarity of Scripture’s teaching on the believer’s security, but it also incorporates the doctrine of soteriology. By this I simply mean that when the RC church says that your salvation is not absolutely secure, that means that you, therefore, have some part to play in keeping yourself saved. With that in mind, on the contrary, consider: Jude 1:24-25 24 Now to Him [Jesus Christ] who is able to keep you from

The Damning Peril of the Roman Catholic Church - Part 2

We have made mention of seven crucial biblical truths that are under attack by the Roman Catholic (RC) church: 1. The Supremacy of God’s Words in the Bible 2. The Sufficiency of God’s Son 3. The Singularity of God’s Gospel 4. The Sovereign Grace of God 5. The Security of God’s Children 6. The Sanctity of God’s Church 7. The Severity of God’s Judgment We previously have touched upon how the RC church is attacking the supremacy of God’s Word as well as the sufficiency of God’s Son as the efficacious and sufficient sacrifice for sins. But today, I want to look at the next few: Third, The Roman Catholic Church is attacking the singularity of God’s gospel. Here’s what I mean. To say that believing in Jesus Christ alone or, to use more biblical phraseology, that Jesus is “ the way, the truth and the life and no one comes to the Father but through [Him]” is not enough is to attack the singularity of the biblical gospel. The RC church adds to God’s “gospel” indulgences to remit pun

The Damning Peril of the Roman Catholic Church - Part 1

I noted a couple of days ago that the Roman Catholic Church (RCC) is attacking seven crucial doctrines found in the Bible. The Roman Catholic Church is attacking: 1. The Supremacy of God’s Words in the Bible 2. The Sufficiency of God’s Son 3. The Singularity of God’s Gospel 4. The Sovereign Grace of God 5. The Security of God’s Children 6. The Sanctity of God’s Church 7. The Severity of God’s Judgment I want to address the first two today and hopefully, bit by bit, equip you and encourage you to reach out with love, compassion, humility and an open Bible to your Catholic friends. First, The Roman Catholic Church is attacking the Supremacy of God’s Word as revealed in the Bible. This matter of attacking the Word of God is no foreigner to today’s contemporary evangelicalism and all the fads and new church movements that have risen and fallen as of late. Yet, every attack on the Word of God has failed and failed miserably. Is it no wonder that the Word of God has been attacked for thous

The Damning Peril of the Roman Catholic Church

I posted a series of blogs about a year and a half ago on the Roman Catholic Church (hereafter, RCC) seeking to expose some (of the many!) of its flaws and where and how it contradicts what the Bible clearly teaches. So, because of the need again, I will post (and add and revise) them in the coming days. I have been burdened and disheartened and discouraged by the false and deceiving doctrine that is being taught in this religion. The sad part is, this RCC is indoctrinating millions and millions of people with false truth so that they think they’ll go to heaven when in reality they will wake up in hell (no purgatory). So, permit me for the next few posts to get some of this stuff mingling in my brain out. I’d like to give seven RCC attacks on what the Bible teaches. And this will, then, reveal to us that Roman Catholicism is, indeed, false religious system in the dress of “Christianity.” Unfortunately, millions and billions of souls have no idea that they are deceived. Here are the a

The Simplicity of the Gospel.

The Simplicity of the Gospel. The core of biblical Christianity is the reality that Jesus Christ bore the sins of His own people in full . That is to say, the simple gospel presented in the Scriptures is that all humans have sinned and are damned to eternal hell to pay for sin unless God Himself intercedes. To my knowledge, every other world religion claims that man plays some part in salvation (paradise, utopia or whatever). But according to the Bible, this only damns a person to eternal hell because no man can ever work his way into eternal life. The simple reason for this is that all humans have sinned (Psalm 143:2). There is no one who does right before God and never sins (Ecclesiastes 7:20). So, this is where we as humans are in desperate need for God Himself to intercede if He wants to save us. And this is precisely what God did—through Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Messiah who was foretold in the Hebrew Scriptures (i.e., the Old Testament). He is the imag

Persevere in the Practice of Daily Prayer

Persevere in the Practice of Daily Prayer In the last number of months, with the demands of ministry and the obligations of school I have been reminded that I must persevere in the practice of daily prayer. This is the primary duty for all Christians—the businessman, the mother-at-home, the college student, the Jr and Sr High kid, and especially the pastor. All believers must make it a daily ambition to pray to God. Prayer energizes the soul with a firm and steadfast trust in the Lord and His Sovereignty. Prayer reminds the sinner that He is not in control, the Almighty Omnipotent is. Prayer expresses to God that which we are unable and incapable of doing in our own strength and ability. But what a confident assurance every genuine Christian has, namely, God has all ability to accomplish anything to bring Him the greatest glory and to conform each of His children (i.e. “Christians”) to the image of Jesus Christ. A prayerless Christian is an oxymoron—it cannot nor does

In My Place Condemned He Stood!

Packer, J.I. and Mark Dever, In My Place Condemned He Stood: Celebrating the Glory of the Atonement . Wheaton , IL : Crossway, 2007. T o reclaim with the centuries of Christians, the cross of Jesus Christ is, no doubt, the absolute centerpoint of evangelical (“biblical”) Christianity—period. In this much-needed in our modern liberal-bent, wishy-washy evangelical day, Packer and Dever put the infinitely glorious atonement of Jesus Christ, his penal substitution, the propitiation of the Father’s angry and fierce wrath, and the accomplished work done in place of the Christian by Jesus Christ hails as the thematic thread weaving every chapter together with breathtaking beauty. This work is absolutely needed because of the modern-day attack on the biblical doctrines of penal substitution and divine propitiation. In the book, JI Packer, Mark Dever, Ligon Duncan, Albert Mohler, Jr., and CJ Mahaney all unite and remind everyone that the truth has been and still is central in biblical

Fellowship with God in His Word

Hear some sobering words from Mr. Spurgeon, "If this be the Word of God, what will become of some of you who have not read it for the last month? Most people treat the Bible very politely . . . When they get home, they lay it up in a drawer till next Sunday morning; then it comes out again for a little bit of a treat and goes to chapel; that is all the poor Bible gets in the way of an airing. That is your style of entertaining this heavenly messenger. There is dust enough on some of your Bibles to write 'damnation' with your fingers.”

Worship with your heart, not your actions.

Worship with your heart, not your actions. Studying the book of Hosea has reaffirmed the biblical reality that outward actions and rote repetition earns no ‘brownie points’ with God. In fact, the contrary is true. God vehemently despises hypocritical worship—let’s call it for what it really is. Heartless worship is hypocritical worship. And that’s precisely what the book of Hosea condemns. To be sure, Hosea chastises Israel for their harlotries and chasing ravenously after pagan gods. But when their harlotries are combined with the outward worship of Yahweh, Yahweh declares his hostile hatred of this syncretism. I’m studying Hosea 8-9 this week and God’s Word confronted me anew with the simple truth that I must ask myself before I preach: “ Is my worship before Almighty Yahweh genuine ?” If so, praise God! If not, I had better do some repenting! But Israel didn’t repent. They didn’t confess. They didn’t change. They didn’t return to Yahweh. They continued to re

Consider the Cross

We returned last night from our '09 Winter Retreat and it was, no doubt, a memorable weekend. The theme for the weekend was Consider the Cross . We had five Bible studies centering on this theme with wonderful singing and prayer before each study. Dave Trepanier, one of my best friends, was our guest speaker and he did a phenomenal job. I'll post the sermon links here for you to listen if you so choose. Have fun considering the Savior of the Cross and some of the various nuances related to this unfathomable truth. Session 1 - "Consider the Savior of the Cross--Jesus Christ" (Dave Trepanier) Session 2 - "Consider the Sacrifice of the Cross--Cursed by God" (Geoff Kirkland) Session 3 - "Consider the Sufficiency of the Cross--Substitution" (Dave Trepanier) Session 4 - "Consider the Significance of the Cross--Justification" (Geoff Kirkland) Session 5 - "Consider the Demands of the Cross--Sanctification" (Dave Trepanier) Happy listen