Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Ideas for the Lord's Day: To Sanctify the Lord's Day

 Ideas for Lord’s Day Worship: To Sanctify the Lord’s DayGeoffrey R. KirklandChrist Fellowship Bible ChurchThe Lord’s Day is not to be “Boring-Day” or “Do-Nothing-Day.”  It is a special day, the high day, the holy day, the celebration day when we cheerfully triumph because Christ our Champion...

Friday, January 24, 2025

My Goals as a Preacher of the Word of God.

 MY GOALS AS A PREACHER OF THE WORD OF GOD.Geoffrey R. KirklandPastor, Christ Fellowship Bible ChurchAs I preach God’s Word, I have goals that help me as I study and pray over the Word, and craft and outline the sermon, and prepare and deliver the message. Here are some goals that I have as a preacher of the Word of God.  1. Understandable.  I desire to be an understandable preacher. ...

Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Why I Preach The Word of God.

 Why I Preach The Word Geoffrey R. KirklandWhy am I resolved and resolutely focused on expositing God’s Word faithfully, powerfully, authoritatively and prayerfully?  What drives my thinking, my praying, my studying, my heralding?   Here are a handful of reasons why I preach the...

Monday, December 2, 2024

[Re-Post] Why I Preach With An Open Bible

  WHY I PREACH WITH AN OPEN BIBLE.Geoffrey R. KirklandChrist Fellowship Bible ChurchBlogs and articles abound in promoting myriads of ideas relating to preaching and of being relevant to the audience and clever in the delivery. My commitment has been and will continue to be simple: to open...

[RE-POST] Practical Ways to Listen to a Sermon

  How Should You Hear the Word of God Preached? Geoffrey R. Kirkland Christ Fellowship Bible Church Q. 160. What is required of those that hear the Word preached? [From the Westminster Confession, 1647] A. It is required of those that hear the Word preached, that they attend upon it with diligence,...

Tuesday, November 26, 2024

Why Is The Church Important? Why Do You Need A Church Congregation?

WHY IS THE CHURCH IMPORTANT?Geoffrey R. KirklandIn this brief article, I will explain why the local church is important. Someone recently said to me: I know Christ, but I don’t need the Church. Or maybe you’ve heard: I like Christ but I’ve been burnt by the Church. I’m all for Jesus but not for the...

Monday, November 25, 2024

Justification By Faith Alone

Justification by Faith — The Foundational DoctrineA gracious work of God whereby He pardons a sinner & judicially declares him to be perfect righteous because of Christ’s righteousness credited to the sinner by faith alone. Geoffrey R. KirklandChrist Fellowship Bible ChurchThe church stands or falls based on its definition of, biblical fidelity to, and commitment to the doctrine of justification...

Monday, October 21, 2024

Teach Your Children. Pew Principles.

TEACH YOUR CHILDREN. Geoffrey R. KirklandChrist Fellowship Bible Church  (St. Louis, MO)In this brief article, I hope to convey some parenting advice to teach your children while in the pew at Church.  We as a family have prayerfully and thoughtfully tried to implement these truths — and we are still working at it — and I hope and pray this will benefit other parents who strive to teach...